Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is Rock Band by David Shrigley. I enjoy the material of the sculpture: paper mache, acrylic, wire, and wool. A lot of his sculptures and drawings are odd and humorous, and some are morbid and creepifying. I selected Rock Band particularly because it's slightly off-putting, and I find odd sculptures very interesting.

This is SEMPERVIVUM by Russ Mills. I find this digital work to be very dynamic. The process by which Mills does work such as this is scanned marks and scribbles into the computer. The primary image is drawn, and the digital aspect gives it a very refined look, but at the same time, it has a spontaneously put together feel.

This is Lion Before Storm II- Sitting Profile, by Nick Brandt. I like Brandt's work because his photographs are very aesthetically pleasing. The wildlife he photographs are very strong, and I get a sense of timelessness through his work.

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