Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Homology (Cohomology) Sequence of a Pair (X,A). Bernar Venet creates these wall paintings by blowing up sections from Math and Science textbooks that appeal to him visually. Part of the process which he goes through for each piece is finding an expert in whichever field is being displayed and having the expert explain the equation or graph that Venet has chosen.

Lot’s Wife. Anselm Kiefer combines paint with straw, twigs, and soil in order to create landscapes that are at once transcendental and gritty. What intrigues me about his work is the seamless integration of the other materials into the painting. The addition of the actual twigs and dirt increases the image’s effectiveness.

The Quarry Pignano. Euan Uglow used mathematical ratios and precise measurements in every aspect of his painting. The resulting combination of his precision and his use of color and composition is very dynamic. I am drawn to this contrast in the aesthetic of his figures and still life’s.

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