Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Website picks.....

There are two main websites that I usually utilize to keep myself updated on current artists. The first is http://www.mangafox.com/. This website is chock full of fan translations of current Japanese and Korean comics. It's a great way for me to keep tabs on the international comics scene and see what stylization, genres, and story telling methods are out there.
I also love http://www.deviantart.com/#. I easily find art relating to my genre because there is so much fan art dedicated to graphic novels and anime. It's difficult to find true gems of artwork here since it's not a selective site at all, however you can if you search.
I also enjoy checking out artist residency sites such as http://www.artspacenc.org/ to keep myself informed on current artist who work with a different variety of materials, methods, and subject matter.

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