Thinking about the surroundings is really important. In Jo’s piece she shows this by the use of the classroom’s bugs near the windows. Thinking about our surroundings and the attraction of the bugs to go towards the light is important, because their death becomes an important symbol that becomes art. Having the same type of bugs is important because Jo differentiates between the bugs.
Making this distinction helps create a sense of identity that helps the audience distinguish one bug to another. The idea of creating variations of each bug with the number of spots and colors are things that make things apart from one another. The things that all the bugs shared together are their death, as well the species they all come from.
The day of the critique there were 3 different plates that where connected to one another. In it there were 2 types of lines that differentiated from number, that were place apart from the corners. In the middle of the two pieces of paper there was an obscure figure that resembles a shape of a bug. In other words, there were bugs that constructed this bug that was centered in the image. From my point of view this obscure images seem to be related to a bird, who is a natural enemy of bugs. Making the “bug bird” an important aspect of the ecosystem. In Jo’s piece she captures this idea of showing that bugs are an important aspect of everybody’s lives. Those are the things that work together making sure of the differences that there exist in the world and the connections that people make of our ecosystem. The idea of organization is viewed overall as the way of how the bugs are ordered as well as our ecosystem.
One of downs of the projects is the distraction of the glue and the color paper used. They distracted and grabbed a lot of attention due to the dirtiness of the paper, and the wrinkles. The other thing that seems to be distracting is the center image, it focus a lot of my attention. The organizations of the other two seem to be distracted by this image in the center. One thing that could had work a little better is the idea of using the number of bugs. Although, collecting and doing the tedious task of organizing bugs and gluing them, the artist shows the differences of that kind of bug exist. It could have worked better if there was continuity outside of the frame allowing people to realize that there are myriad of bugs that exist apart the ones that she has organize. The frame limits this effect of making the audience realize that there exist a myriad of bugs than just the title itself suggest. One thing that made the piece interesting is that some bugs had wings, while there were others did not. An interesting thing about this project is that people could be touched, but there is no hint that suggests this.
Overall I am pleased of how crafted this project was, and how precise everything had to be. Making me think that each bug is unique and everyone has their own purpose in life, and this project has shown this. By the way the artist signals the differences between the bugs, and how there exist things that people are not aware of, that are important.
By: Armando Patricio
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